About A Coming of Age
About A Coming of Age Foster Family Agency (FFA)
A Coming of Age Foster Family Agency (FFA) is a treatment foster family agency providing therapeutic services to children/youth who have been referred to placement in the homes of certified foster parents who are affiliated with our organization. In addition, we also provide additional services to Non-minor dependents (NMDs) adults in foster care under the Extended Foster Care Program. Children and youth placed with the Agency have been determined by their placing agencies to have more specialized needs and/or greater problems than those of normal foster children, thus requiring a more specialized and concentrated program of services to meet their problems and needs.
The mission of A Coming of Age FFA is to be a bridge between dependency, reunification and permanency for children and families in the foster care system.
The purpose of the Agency is to provide for the care, supervision, and well-being of these children and dependent adults and to provide them with the kind of ongoing therapeutic services and skills training which will meet their problems and needs.
Vision and Values
We envision a future where children and families are safe, healthy, and whole. The outcomes to be achieved for children, families and our community as a result of our organizational efforts include: Youth are Housed, Youth are Healthy, and Youth are Empowered.
Who are non-dependent minors (NDMs)?
Non-dependent minors (NMDs) are young adults placed with the agency who continue to remain as dependents of the court and who are being provided extended foster care services by Child Protective Services through that program. NMDs have been identified as continuing to need added support, structure, and guidance in helping them prepare for independent living. A major focus of our work with non-dependent minors involves the emphasis on developing lifelong connections for such young adults while assisting them in their preparations for becoming and remaining independent. The job of our agency social workers and foster parents also incorporates mentoring such young adults and challenging them to understand the realities of what being an independent individual entails.
Regardless of our working with adjudicated dependent minors or non-minor dependent adults, the agency works to develop appropriate and individualized case plans for each individual serviced by our organization. Such plans are developed with the direct involvement of the adjudicated minor/NMD and provided to their county social worker for their review and authorization.
Youth are
Youth benefit from safe, stable and permanent housing with loving families.
Youth are
Youth receive the necessary health and behavioral support to be healthy and happy.
Youth are
Youth become self-sufficient, productive and proactive member of society.
How we support families and youth.
A Coming of Age FFA is a private nonprofit organization whose primary function is to connect children and youth in the foster care system to the care, education and support needed for their individual growth and development. Children and the families that they are connected to are supported with services such as foster care placement, financial assistance and linkages to community resources.